Loading text tracks in video.js 4.12

I recently updated videojs-transcript, a videojs plugin that automatically generates an interactive transcript from video captions, to work with video.js 4.12.

There was a big overhaul of how text tracks for captions work in vjs 4.12. The methods on text tracks changed to be more in line with the HTML 5 Text Track API. The details here will probably only be interesting if you are trying to make a plugin for video.js that uses text tracks, but here are some of the changes I ran into.

Text tracks are now contained in a TextTrackList instead of a plain array.

I was using .foreach() to iterate through the tracks. I had to change to a for loop. No problem.

No more .load() method on text tracks.

I want videojs to load and parse the subtitles for me without me switching the currently active track. Now, to load up non-active tracks, I need to change the .mode property on the track I want to 'hidden'. The track is then loaded but not displayed. Cool.

No more 'loaded' event or .readyState property to tell when a track is loaded.

This part is probably the hackiest workaround. I have to use a setTimeout() loop to check that a track’s .activeCues property isn’t null. The .activeCues property should be null until the track is loaded. Not ideal but it works, and video.js itself currently uses something similar to load chapter titles.

So here’s the old way I used to load text tracks:

var getTrackAndDoSomething = function(track) {

    // A function to call when the track is ready. 
    var doSomethingWithTheTrack = function() {
        /* do fun stuff with the ready track here */

    // .readyState() == 2 means the track is loaded.
    // If the track isn't loaded...
    if (track.readyState() !==2) { 

        // Load the track

        // Do stuff when we get the 'loaded' callback.
        track.on('loaded', doSomethingWithTheTrack);

    // If the track is loaded, do stuff now.
    } else {

And here’s the new way:

var getTrackAndDoSomething = function(track) {

    // .activeCues should be null until the track is loaded.
    // If the track isn't loaded...
    if (!track.activeCues) { 

        // don't hide an already showing track.
        if (track.mode !== 'showing') { 

            // setting .mode to 'hidden' makes videojs load and parse the track.
            track.mode = 'hidden';  

        // try again until track is loaded.
        window.setTimeout(function() { 
        }, 100);

    // If the track is loaded, do stuff now.
    } else {
        /* do fun stuff with the ready track here */